Aigburth 1 score vital win

19/03/2013 11:07

Aigburth 1 travelled to Atticus last night for the top of the table clash with Atticus 2. Both teams were locked on 16 points, albeit that Aigburth have a game in hand. The players were warned of an 'Intruder' at the Caledonian beforehand. We don't think he was to blame, but 15 minutes were missing from the clocks on boards 5 and 7, which at first went unoticed. The board 5 clocks were reset accordingly but Board 7 decided to play on, agreeing that the clock time could overspill by 15 minutes. Nick drew his game after his opponent gave up a piece to bring his King into the open. Ian won his game and then cue the incident on Board 7. Robs flag fell and his opponent claimed the game. Rob protested that they had agreed to overspill however his opponent disageed, and after a short discussion, the game was declared lost for Rob. Peter had a nice win in his game and Brendans pressure against his opponents King eventually told. Andreas chipped in with a draw and Steve won his game which left Board 1 battling out a Rook, Bishop and pawn ending with only 2 minutes on each clock. Roger was 2 pawns in arrears but held his nerve. His opponent couldn't capitalise and after a flurry of moves the smoke cleared and a draw was agreed. Roger having gained his pawns back leaving each player with a rook and pawn. 5.5-2.5 the final score in our favour.