Aigburth 2 lose to Atticus in John Ripley Final

31/05/2013 19:12

Aigburth 2 lost out to a strong Atticus Team in the John Ripley Final on Wednesday. On board 6 Tony went toe to toe with Luke but blundered in a favourably position to put us 1 down. I had a slight edge on board 4 but when a draw offer came felt it was wise to accept and get us on the scoreboard. Graham was involved in another tactical battle on board 1 while Ian had a locked position on board 2. A complex position was unfolding in Robs game on board 3 and Dave was slightly worse positionally in his game on board 5.  Graham's opponent had gained the upper hand but was short on time and a draw was agreed. Ian also drew his game.  That left us searching for a win in the two remaining games but it wasn't to be as Dave lost his game and the match was lost. Rob also lost, blundering shortly after Dave's loss.  The final score was 4.5-1-5 to Atticus but the match was a lot closer than the scoreline suggests. Congratulations to Atticus for retaining the trophy. I'm extremely proud of the team and the way we battled against the odds, it's been a pleasure to have been the Captain.  The match scorecard is available in the results section.