First Team lose against Atticus 3
Our First Team have lost their first match of the season, going down to a 5-3 defeat at the hands of Atticus 3. They were missing a few regulars however still outgraded the Atticus team considerably on 4 boards out of the 8. The games on board 7 and 8 concluded as draws while on Board 5 Steve gained a pawn advantage in his game which eventually converted to a win. A draw on board 3 and losses on Boards 2 and 4 however swung the match in Atticus 3's favour, but we looked certain to square things as Dave Pearcey had a considerable material advantage in his game. Inexplicably Dave blundered into a mate and the match was lost. Roger finished the night drawing his game on Board 1 with Dave Lawson. Well done to Atticus 3, but a potentially damaging defeat for the First Team.