Narrow defeat for Second Team

12/02/2014 18:28

Aigburth 2 pushed title contenders Atticus 2 all the way in their return match but just fell short of a positive result. Dave Eisen continued his impressive recent form to give us an early lead winning with Black on Board 4. The top three boards were keenly contested and it looked like a late night was on the cards. Lower down on Board 8, Alan Thomas had a good draw with Black against an opponent rated 37 points higher. Steve G and Tony Mc also drew their games but on Board 7 Frank got confused with the clock and lost on time.  Attention turned to the top three boards. Steve drew his game on Board 2 but despite some good chances Graham slipped to defeat. That left Martin needing the full point to salvage a draw. Unfortunately his opponent is well experienced in time pressure situations, managing to run Martins clock down quicker to get the full point.  5-3 the final score to Atticus 2.