Second Team defeat Atticus 1

14/01/2014 19:07

Our Second Team have picked up another win in Division 1 with an extremely hard fought victory over Atticus 1. Outgraded on 7 out of 8 boards this was a fine team effort to get the win. Alan Thomas sent us on the way with win on Board 8. From an exchange and two pawns down he managed to win a rook and convert the point. Tony P, Dave Eisen and Steve Gerrard were looking good in their respective games while Martin and Steve L where on the back-foot in theirs. Dave and Steve G eventually ground out the wins and a draw for Tony Mc gave us a healthy advantage with 4 boards left to play. 

Graham had given up a piece for three pawns but some precise attacking play from black won the day on the top board but Martin and Steve L managed to hold on for draws which secured us the victory. Tony P was last to finish, despite being a piece up his opponents 'Never Say Die' attitude rewarded him with an unlikely draw. As the last of his pawns were forced off the board Tony was left scratching his head with a lone Bishop v King!

3-5 the final score.