Second Team edge Widnes 2

28/02/2013 21:18

The Second Team have another win on the board, this time against a strong Widnes 2 side. The scoreline was close but in fact we had the match won fairly quickly. Graham, Steve and Dave P scored wins and draws for Frank and Dave E got us our 4 points making the game safe by the time Steve G and Martin were being outmanoeuvred by their opponents. Martin was playing an exchange down and gradually his opponent chipped away at his position to get the win and make it 4-2. That was Martins first loss of the season. Steve G was last man standing, battling in an inferior Queen and Bishop ending.  Steve's opponent Andy Kelly was turning the screw picking up vital pawns as Steve desperately looked for a perpetual, but as the Queens came off and Steve's chances of tricks disappeared the game was lost to bring the scoreline to 4-3 in our favour. We remain top of Division 2 with only 4 games to play!