Second Team pick up first win

09/11/2013 10:54

The Second Team have won their first match since promotion to Division 1 beating Atticus 3 convincingly by a score of 7-1. Graham had an impressive win against Luke Boumphreys Grand Prix attack on board 1, defending against the pawn sac and eventually coming out on top. Martin had a tough opponent in Dave Healiss on Board 2 and the game ended drawn. Steve L went the exchange up on board 3 but blundered the material back. The resulting endgame was luckily a pawn ahead in his favour and he could convert to a win. Tony P won a messy encounter on Board 4 and Steve G won his game on Board 6. Tony Mc managed to keep his cool despite being 25 minutes late to win his game, winning a piece in the middlegame while Dave Eisen played out a draw on Board 5. Frank Barker was in all sorts of trouble on Board 8 but managed to call on all his experience and conjur up a mating attack to get out of jail.