Second Team pick up point

08/03/2012 22:25

The Second Team have picked up their first point of the season with a hard fought 4-4 draw against Atticus 2. Tony won a nice game but Dave A and Steve both lost. Ian did well to hold a bad position with black and there were some chances in four of the other games but they ended drawn. It left the pressure on Andy on Board Four needing a win, a pawn up in an endgame. Fortunately for us David Odunaiya, his opponent, dropped his Queen in a tense time scramble with Andy keeping his cool to mate shortly after.

So we're off and running with three games to play.  It's a tall order but wins against Formby and Waterloo might just see us survive. Rumours we have hired Virgil Hilts and Bob Hendley for the remainder of the season have yet to be confirmed...