Second Team win final match

25/04/2013 23:10

The Second Team have won their final game of the season 4-3 against Wallasey B in a very close match. On the top board Graham withstood heavy pressure to eventually trade off into a won endgame, while Martin was the lucky recipient of a piece blunder by his opponent on board 2. Dave Eisen drew his game on board 4 while Frank was struggling to contain his opponent on board 5. Dave Walsh was playing well on board 6 but eventually dropped a piece as the game wore on.  On board 7 and in only his second competitive game since joing the club, Tony Raynor had an impressive win against an opponent rated 127 ECF. With Frank losing and the score at 3.5-2.5 in our favour it came down to my game on board 3. Despite an earlier advantage for me a draw was agreed in a Q+B versus Q+N endgame as the game was approaching a time scramble. An excellent win as we were missing a couple of regular players. We finish the season as Champions having only lost 1 match and Graham has won the player of the season competion with a score of 12.5 points out of 14.