The 1st Team locked horns with a full strength Atticus 2 team on Monday and ended up with a share of the spoils in a hard fought 4-4 draw. Dave Eisen had put us ahead trapping his opponents Queen. Boards 2 and 4 had a tougher time of it but Roger was well on top in his game. Captain Steve survived heavy pressure and won after his opponent overlooked a skewer. On Board 8 James was a Queen and two pawns to the good versus lone King. Normally enough for a Div 1 opponent to resign you would think. Not in this case as his opponent played for time leaving James with only 3 seconds to mate which sadly was not enough. On the remaining two boards Brendan was on top but David Odunaiya is a resourceful player and found some nasty mating threats which forced a repeat of the position. To the last game a half point ahead. Draw-ish looking position, less than a minute on each players clock. Cue a flurry of trivial moves in a race to see who can press the clock quickest. On this occasion it was Atticus.