Third Team Match Report versus Prescot
Steve G Reports;
Prescot where last years relegated division 2 team. So, was expecting a difficult night.
Did not see much of the other games as I was involved in a very sharp game against someone who has beaten me twice in the past.
Dave seemed to win on top board quite quickly. John agreed a draw shortly after. Tony in what seemed to be a drawn end game(2 pawns each and knight against bishop ending). Managed to sac his bishop to create a passed pawn and won. We all saw it coming but was shocked when his apponent moved his holding knight to give the chance ! Most of the minor pieces came off very quickly in Franks game and a draw was agreed. Sean at one time was a pawn up and then the exchange down but seemed to still have chances of holding the game. However, he eventually lost out to a player 20+ grading point higher than himself.
So, it came down to me to finish the job off. 1 point up with 1 game to go. I love the pressure, lol. Having had multiple mating chances and both our kings stuck in the centre for much of the game. I was not going to take the pressure off his king. My opponent eventualy started to crumble under the pressure. First a pawn. Then a second pawn as he attempted to stop me from mating him, while still attempting to mount his own mating attacks. Two pawns up and a better position. I forced most of the peces off in to an easy looking end game for me. He sacced his knight in desperation, thinking he was winning a rook. The plan failed and i force the exchange of the last few pieces very quickly in to a knight and pawns against pawns end game and he resigned. The match was won, 4-2